Getting started

How to set up your Rotary Event

This guide will describe how to get started with Rotary Event and how to successfully set up and manage your event. Enjoy!

1. Set up your Rotary Event Account

Please contact us ( We will get in touch with you and create your account on behalf of your club or district. Usually the first user of this account will be the administrator and can invite other members to join.

2. Set up your Stripe Account

To make payment via credit card available for your event, you need to create an stripe account. You can sign up via

3. Set up your Rotary Event

Inside the Rotary Event admin area you can create a new event, give it a name, description and add details on time and date.
Once the general information is setup you need to decide on what elements (e.g. Gala Dinner, Banquet Evening, Seminaire Day 1, Seminaire Day 2 etc.)
Then you need to decide on types of participants you will have at your Event (e.g. Rotarien, Spouse, Friend etc.)
Furthermore you will need to decide on what price the event will be offered and if the price differs in relation to the type of participant. If the price will be the same for all participants you only need to add one price.

Sign up for an Account

Click the button below to contact us and we will help you to setup a new Rotary Event Account. If you need a new user for an existing Rotary Event Account,please ask the admin to invite you to that Account

Contact us
