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Getting Started

How to get started with Rotary Event

Event Setup

Fill in
Name (English)
Description (English)

if you have the French language, also fill in:
Name (French)
Description (French)

Date: add date and time
Badge image: add the name of the image that you would like to appear on your badges
Slug: add a short name for your event in one word (ex: toulouse2024). You should keep it simple and short and don't use special characters or underscores.
Currency: at the moment we support eur (European Currency), usd (United States Dollars), gbp (English Pounds), sgd (Singapore Dollars)
Note: you need to write the currency code in small letters.

Public: checkmark this if you want the event to be visible to everyone (without needing to login to the system)
Open for Registration: checkmark this to be able to register for the event

Banner header (HTML): only add custom HTML if you want it to look different than the default layout
Banner header (CSS): only add custom CSS if you want it to look different than the default layout

Description - intro text on registration page (English)
Description - intro text on confirmation page after registration (English)

if you have the French language, also fill in:
Description - intro text on registration page (French)
Description - intro text on confirmation page after registration (French)

Images for the registration page: upload images you want to have in the header of your registration page that you need to reference in the HTML section (advanced)

Note: once you upload an image you need to reference it in your HTML section
for example:
if you only have one image this will be the code to reference
<%= image_tag(@event.front_images[0]) %>

if you only have multiple images there will be numbered and this will be the code to reference
<%= image_tag(@event.front_images[0]) %>

<%= image_tag(@event.front_images[1]) %>

in the Banner header (HTML) section you will then put in a code like this:

<div class="medium-12 cell">
<div id="top">
<div id="top-table">
<div class="show-for-large" id="top-left">
<img class="top-bar-logo-left" src="<%= image_path("rotary_event_logo.png") %>"/>
<div class="show-for-large" id="top-center">
<p>Reggio Calabria Italian Fly-In Weekend 2024 - 13.-16.9.2024</p>
<div id="top-right">
<%= image_tag(@event.front_images[0]) %>

Name of person sending the emails
Email of person sending the emails

Top Image for email (HTML)

Email Signature (HTML)
Email Signature (TEXT)

Images for email: upload an image if you want an image in your email - it need to be referenced in the HTML (advanced)
Note: once you upload an image for your email you will need to reference it where you want it to appear:

For example:

this will be the image code to reference:
<img src="<%= attachments['logo_theme_iffr_rotary.png'].url %>"/>

First Name , Last Name<br>
Position, IFFR section<br>
<img src="<%= attachments['logo_theme_iffr_rotary.png'].url %>"/>

Click "Create event"
